Monday, August 24, 2009

Butter Fruit Delight(Avocado delight)

This summer is very hot in new jersey.  We had been to Pathmark one day and Ajey saw these avocados and said  we can prepare excellent cold-delights using this. I did not know that these avocados are the one which are used in Bangalore "Butter fruit milkshakes".  Here is the recipe for Butter Fruit Delight


1. Butter fruit (Avocado) - 1
2. Sugar - 3-5 tsp
3. cardamom powder - 1/4 tsp
4.Cashews and grapes as optional  toppings


1. Take  out the Interior part of the Avocado and put it in a bowl.
2. Add sugar and mix it well with avocado
3. Add the cardamom powder, (plus fried cashews and grapes)
4. Keep it in Refrigerator  for few hours.

Butter fruit delight is ready to serve!!

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